Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Best Way to Prevent Diabetes - Methods That Really Work

Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a disorder that springs from excessive glucose or sugar levels in blood. The hormone insulin secreted by our pancreas breaks down the glucose obtained from the food we consume, and enable it to enter body cells. This is a metabolic process energizing our body. When there is a dearth of insulin in the body or body cells become resistant to insulin, glucose collects in blood and the levels rise, leading to diabetes. Among the several types of diabetes, Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes are quite common.

Type 1 occurs due to inadequate supply of insulin, Type 2 occurs due to cells becoming non-responsive to insulin, and gestational diabetes is a type that occurs in women during pregnancy. Other types include congenital diabetes, steroid diabetes, monogenic diabetes, cystic fibrosis related diabetes. Heredity, stress, smoking, alcoholism, lack of physical activity, and obesity are factors contributing to diabetes. Diabetes should be checked in time, or else it may be fatal leading to cardiovascular diseases, renal failures, retinal damage and neuropathy.


1. Frequent urination
2. Increased hunger
3. Increased thirst
4. Constipation
5. Fatigue
6. Weight loss
7. Pale yellowish, sweet odorous urine
8. Blurred vision
9. Slow-paced healing of wounds
10. Irritability

Best way to prevent diabetes

It is advisable to seek medical help once diabetes has attacked a person. Doctors often prescribe medicines to maintain a balanced glucose level in blood. The target is to avoid hyperglycemia or too high levels of glucose and hypoglycemia or too low levels of glucose in blood, and keep it close to normalcy. Insulin therapy is suggested for type 1 diabetes, and for type 2 diabetes, oral pills like Metformin, Sulfonylureas, meglitinides, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors etc are prescribed. Herbal supplements like Diabkil capsules, bitter melon capsules, gurmar churna, etc making use of pure herbs like neem, basil, blueberry, bitter gourd, cinnamon, milk thistle, ginger, garlic etc can run simultaneously and keep blood sugar under control. They are safe and purely herbal.

Prevention however is better than cure, and so to avoid diabetes it is best to adopt a healthy way of living. Diabetes can be prevented by moving away from sedentary lifestyle, inculcating healthy habits, dietary changes, control of body weight through increased physical activity.

The preventive measures given in this article will surely help you to prevent diabetes effectively and keeps your blood sugar to the normal levels.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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What Are The Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus?

Diabetes Mellitus or diabetes is a common ailment among many people. The disease is characterized by elevation of glucose or sugar levels in blood. Our food gives the body the necessary amount of glucose. The metabolic process starts and the pancreas starts secreting a hormone called insulin which breaks down the glucose, causing the glucose to enter the body cells. The entire process energizes the body to perform day to day activities. When the pancreas produces insulin in inadequate quantities, glucose imbalance occurs in blood, often leading to surplus glucose. This results in Type 1 diabetes. This type can be managed by injecting insulin from outside. Under certain circumstances, the cells of the body become resistant to insulin. This again results in faulty metabolism and collection of glucose in blood. This is Type 2 diabetes.

Other forms of diabetes include gestational diabetes or diabetes in women during pregnancy, congenital diabetes caused due to genetic defects leading to weak pancreatic functioning, steroid diabetes caused by overdoses of glucocorticoids or steroidal medicines, monogenic diabetes and cystic fibrosis related diabetes.

Common signs and symptoms of diabetes

1. Polyuria or frequent urination - When blood sugar levels rise, the body is urged to expel or get rid of the excess sugar through urination. This leads to frequent urination and passing out of surplus sugar through urine. This symptom may cause dehydration as a lot of water is lost from the body due to frequent urination.

2. Polyphegia or increased hunger - The hormone insulin is also a hunger-causing hormone. It stimulates our appetite. When glucose levels rise in blood, the body tries to balance it or cope with it by producing more insulin. This again triggers our hunger.

3. Polydipsia or increased thirst - When glucose levels soar in blood, the brain get signals to dilute it and excrete it through urine. This increases our demand for water. In other words, a diabetic person feels thirsty frequently.

4. Increased fatigue- In case of diabetes, the body cells fail to metabolize glucose properly. As a result, a reverse calorie effect is initiated, and body fat is broken down to supply energy to the body. Metabolizing of body fat consumes more energy than it produces, and this leads to intense fatigue.

5. Weight loss - Excessive loss of water or polyuria, metabolism of body fats and proteins and glucosuria often lead to sudden and exceptional weight loss in a diabetic person.

6. Blurred vision- In a diabetic patient, body fluid is often extracted from tissues which may also include eye lenses. In this way the lenses are rendered incapable of focusing, resulting in blurry vision.

7. Irritability - Diabetes is characterized by inadequate glucose supply to brain and other organs, making the patient feel tired and short-tempered.

8. Poor wound healing - High glucose in blood reduces the production of white blood cells that are responsible for the proper functioning of the body’s immune system. This leads to slow-paced healing of wounds.

9. Infections - A diabetic patient easily fall a prey to urinary tract infection or bacterial or fungal infections of skin. This occurs mainly due to a weakened immune system or suppression of immunity power.

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Is It Possible To Prevent Or Reverse Diabetes Complications Naturally?

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a chronic ailment characterized by high blood glucose or sugar levels. Glucose derived from the food we consume is broken down in to simplified forms by the hormone insulin secreted by our pancreas. The insulin burns the glucose and allows it to be taken up by the body cells. When pancreas does not produce as much insulin as needed by the body or when the body cells fail to respond to insulin, glucose stays back in blood, reaches very high levels and makes the person diabetic.

Ways to prevent or reverse diabetes complications

Patients with diabetes are forced to lead a miserable life due to the various annoying symptoms that cause much discomfort. It is not possible to cure diabetes completely but it is certainly possible to reverse or check the complications arising from diabetes by means of certain tips which may be listed as follows.

1. Patient's awareness to the complications is the first step for treating diabetes. He or she should accept the changes in life and be at peace with him self or her self. The patient should avoid negative attitude towards life and be ready to alter lifestyle. Stress and depression, habits like smoking and alcoholism would have adverse effect on a diabetic. Talking about one’s stress, practicing yoga, meditation and deep breathing would improve the quality of life and help to avoid unnecessary complications.

2. Dietary changes play a vital role in preventing diabetes complications. Frequent short meals, timely meals and no meal skipping are very necessary for a diabetic. Junk food, heavy sauces, saturated fat rich food like meat and dairy products, highly processed flavored foods, simple sugars in candies, sweets and desserts are to be strictly avoided. They raise cholesterol and carbohydrate levels in body and in turn the glucose levels. Raw vegetables like spinach, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, turnips and dandelion, fresh citrus fruits and fiber-rich diet like legumes, black beans, kidney beans, barley, oats, nutmeg, horse gram etc are very necessary for diabetics. The soluble fibers in the above items reduce intestinal absorption of glucose.

3. Exercising also helps the patient to fight the battle against diabetes better. Daily, routine-based exercising is necessary to cope with diabetes. Complicated, strenuous exercising is not required. Simply brisk walks, jogging, swimming, cycling and biking can help a lot in shedding extra pounds of flab, burning down calories, speeding up the metabolic process, improving blood circulation.

Hope this article will help you in preventing or reversing diabetes complications effectively and efficiently.

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How to Manage Diabetes Effectively - Normalize Blood Sugar Naturally

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a disorder that is characterized by elevation of glucose levels in blood. The carbohydrates that we consume get converted in to glucose, and hormone insulin secreted by pancreas breaks down the glucose, makes it enter body cells and release energy for day to day activities. Faulty metabolism occurs when glucose imbalance occurs in blood. The glucose imbalance occurs either when inadequate insulin is produced by pancreas, or when the body cells become inert or non-responsive to insulin. This causes glucose to build up in blood, leading to diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused due to inadequate insulin production, Type 2 diabetes is caused due to cell resistance to insulin. Type 2 is the most common form. Gestational diabetes attacks women during pregnancy.

Causes of Diabetes

1. Genetic factors
2. Obesity
3. Stress and anxiety
4. Lack of physical activity
5. High intake of carbohydrates
6. Nutritional deficiencies
7. Any other disease affecting the pancreas

Symptoms of Diabetes

1. Increased hunger
2. Increased thirst
3. Frequent urination
4. Weight loss
5. Fatigue
6. Blurred vision
7. Palpitation
8. Light yellowish colored urine with a sweet, acidic odor
9. Intense itching around genitals
10. Constipation
11. Poor healing of wounds
12. Irritability

Ways to manage diabetes effectively

1. Exercising - Exercises help a lot in controlling blood sugar. Daily work outs for about 30 minutes prevent one from growing obese by burning down calories, improving the body tissue's response or sensitivity to insulin, accelerating metabolic rates, improving circulation in arms and legs, reducing cholesterol and thereby minimizing risk of strokes, reducing hypertension and relaxing one's mind. Jogging, walking, swimming, biking, cycling, skiing and light stretching exercises can be very helpful.

2. Proper diet plan - Proper diet helps to manage diabetes and its symptoms magically. A patient of diabetes is always liable to the risk of heart attacks. Therefore he or she must avoid consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat rich food items like meat and dairy products. Food cooked in vegetable oil or olive is beneficial for diabetes patients, for they are the rich source of mono unsaturated fat. High-fiber diet whole grain breads, peas, beans and cereals are recommended for diabetics. Such diet lowers the absorption of glucose by intestines. Also the diet of a diabetic should include cereal soups, vegetables like bitter gourd, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, cucumber, tomatoes capsicum. Lemon juice without straining, buttermilk added with a pinch of salt, tea without sugar may be taken by the diabetes patient. Citrus fruits, apples, pears should be taken in large quantities, for they reduce the body’s insulin requirements.

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Herbs For Diabetes - Can Herbal Supplements Lower Blood Sugar?

When the body fails to produce enough insulin or when the body cells do not respond to the insulin produced, glucose continues to stay in blood and in no time, the glucose level in blood soars, leading to diabetes. Diabetes may be categorized in to three main types.

1. Type 1 diabetes - This occurs when body fails to produce insulin. This type of diabetes can be tackled by injecting insulin.

2. Type 2 diabetes - This is the most widespread type. This occurs when the body cells become non-responsive or resistant to insulin.

3. Gestational diabetes - This occurs during pregnancy. Women, who never had any previous history of diabetes, may become diabetic during pregnancy.

Other types of diabetes include congenital diabetes that is caused by genetic disorders in insulin secretion, monogenic diabetes, steroid diabetes caused by over-intake of glucocorticoids, cystic fibrosis related diabetes.

Herbs or herbal supplements for diabetes

Some important herbs that are contained in most herbal supplements for diabetes are listed below. These herbs have been found very helpful in lowering blood sugar levels.

1. Neem leaf juice or extracts can be very effective in treating diabetes. One may simply chew 9-10 neem leaves every morning for a month and feel the difference.

2. Chewing of 10-12 basil leaves a day also helps in controlling diabetes. Basil leaves have the power to activate pancreas and make it produce enough insulin.

3. Half teaspoon turmeric powder taken every day with honey relieves the symptoms of diabetes.

4. A paste made out of grinded lecaus leaves and pepper corns may be taken every day for beneficial results.

5. Liberal intake of onion and garlic can also control diabetes. They help in maintaining a good cardiovascular health.

6. Fenugreek seeds have excellent anti-diabetic properties. It may be taken in grounded form.

7. Blueberry is an effective regulator of glucose levels in blood.

8. Asian ginseng is a useful herb for diabetes. It increases insulin output by stimulating the pancreas and also leads to a rise in the number of insulin receptors.

9. Gingko biloba is also rich in anti-diabetic properties. It can treat diabetes effectively.

10. Bitter gourd or bitter melon is also known as plant insulin. It increases the responsiveness of body cells to insulin and improves metabolism.

11. Cinnamon is immensely potential in lowering blood sugar levels. Half teaspoon cinnamon powder may be taken twice a day regularly for best results.

Hope this article has covered some useful anti diabetic herbs that will help you lower your blood sugar levels naturally and effectively and prevent diabetes complications.

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Reactive Hypoglycemia Causes, Symptoms and Diet

Reactive hypoglycemia is also known as postprandial hypoglycemia. It is a medical term that describes episodes of symptomatic hypoglycemia, and it takes 2 to 4 hours to occur after you take high carbohydrate meal or oral glucose load. It believes that it represents the result of excessive insulin release. The carbohydrate meal is behind this phenomenal change. This process, derived from the meal goes through the digestion and glucose disposal. The definitions of Reactive hypoglycemia are controversial. The term, Reactive hypoglycemia meeting the Whipple criteria corresponds to symptoms that can measure low glucose and higher glucose dose and it relieves. Idiopathic postprandial syndrome is similar and not documented for abnormally low glucose levels.


Fifteen percent people, having had stomach surgery belongs to Alimentary Hypoglycemia, a consequence of dumping syndrome. Hormonal hypoglycemia lacking hormone is hypothyroidism. Helicobacter pylori induces gastritis, and the cause behind is the bacteria that impels reactive hypoglycemia. Late Hypoglycemia relates to occult diabetes that delays release of early insulin from pancreatic B cells. It results in initial exaggeration of hyperglycemia during a glucose tolerance test. Idiopathic Reactive Hypoglycemia is a term that is not existing, as because researchers know the causes of Reactive Hypoglycemia. A hyperglucidic breakfast or ambulatory glucose test is the current standard.

Therefore, hypoglycemia can occur as a side effect of some diabetes medications. It includes insulin or oral diabetes medications. Pills increase insulin production. These can be Chlorpropamide (Diabinese), Glimepiride (Amaryl), Glipizide (Glucotrol, Glucotrol XL), Glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase, Micronase), Nateglinide (Starlix), Repaglinide (Prandin), Sitagliptin (Januvia), Tolazamide and Tolbutamide. There are certain combination pills cause of Hypoglycemia that include glipizide + metformin (Metaglip), glyburide + metformin (Glucovance), pioglitazone + glimepiride (Duetact), rosiglitazone + glimepiride (Avandaryl), and sitagliptin + metformin (Janumet).


The symptoms vary according to the hydration level and sensitivity to the rate or declining magnitude of blood glucose concentration of the individual. The symptoms of hypoglycemia, induced by food can be coma, heart palpitation or fibrillation, fatigue, dizziness, light-headedness, sweating, headaches, depression, nervousness, irritability, tremors, flushing, craving sweets, increased appetite, rhinitis(runny nose), epileptic-type response to rapidly flashing bright lights, nausea, vomiting, panic attack, and numbness or coldness in the extremities.

Diet of Reactive Hypoglycemia

The sample menu of breakfast can be half cup orange juice, third-fourth cup cornflakes, 1 slice whole wheat toast, 1 tsp margarine, 1 cup of skim milk, and coffee, creamer or sugar as substitute. Launch can be 2 oz lean hamburger, 1 hamburger bun, lettuce or tomato slice, half cup cooked carrot, salad, 1 tbsp Italian dressing, 1 fresh apple, sugar free gelatin, and 1 cup skim milk. The dinner can be 2 oz baked chicken breast, half medium-baked potatoes, half cup green beans, half cup sliced strawberries, 1 roll dinner, 1 tsp margarine, and diet soda. The breakfast snack can be orange 1 med, launch snack includes 1 cup skim milk, 3 Graham crackers and supper snack can be one-third cranberry juice, 1 tbsp peanut butter and 6 saltine crackers.

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Types of Insulin Used to Treat Diabetes

There are different types of insulin using to treat Diabetes. These types of insulin are categorized for rapid action. These types are for short, intermediate and long term.

The brand names of rapid action insulin are Novo Log, Apidra, and Humalog, and their chemical names include insulin aspart, glulisine, and lispro respectively.

Short-term or short acting insulin is Humulin-R as brand name and the chemical name is insulin regular.

You can find intermediate acting insulin, of which the brand name is Humulin and the chemical name is insulin NPH.

The long acting insulin for diabetes can be Levemir, and Lantus as the brand names and the chemical names of these products are insulin detemir and glargine respectively.

The premixed rapid- and intermediate-acting insulin can be 70% intermediate acting (NPH) and 30% short-acting regular insulin, called 70/30 insulin. Similarly, the 50/50 insulin is 50% intermediate acting (NPH) and 50% short-acting regular insulin, the 75/25 insulin is 75% intermediate-acting and 25% rapid-acting Humalog (lispro), the Novo Log or 70/30 pre-mixed insulin is 70% intermediate-acting and 30% rapid-acting Novo Log (insulin aspart,) and this insulin is available.

Insulin is to treat type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. People who are suffering from type 2 diabetes and their pancreas produces little or no insulin or their oral medication does not work properly or does not control blood sugar can take insulin or can take along with oral medication. Due to major surgery and severe illness with high-level blood sugar, type 2 diabetics can stop taking insulin if the blood sugar level returns to the target level.

Women along with type 2 diabetes are pregnant or in breast feeding mode, they cannot keep their blood sugar levels within a target range with diet and exercise; only one oral diabetes medicine, glyburide has been studied and recommended for use during pregnancy. Unless the further research takes place, American Diabetes Association suggests that pregnant women and breast-feeding women do not take oral diabetes medicines.

Insulin is effective to reduce sugar levels. It helps blood sugar (glucose) enter the cells for energy consumption. The 10-year study reveals Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, DCCT and followed up Epidemiology of Diabetic Interventions and Complications, EDIC notice that people with type 1 diabetes can control the blood sugar levels within normal or near the normal range (tightly controlled therapy), and fewer incidence of eye, kidney or nerve damage from diabetes than standard therapy.

Tightly controlled therapy lowered the risks of heart disease and death. Another one study shows that insulin glargine (Lantus), is as effective as NPH insulin does control blood sugar of type 1 diabetics. Lantus can create fewer low blood sugar episodes than NPH2.

Side Effects - The major side effect of insulin can be a dangerously low blood sugar level (severe hypoglycemia). The very low blood sugar level can develop within 10 to 15 minutes with rapid acting insulin. Insulin can contribute to type 2 diabetes for weight gain.

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Urine Test for Diabetes, Diagnosing Blood Sugar Levels

Urine investigation is a mapping of chemical composition of urine. It is a viewing test which is a successful method of ascertaining the phase of diabetes mellitus. However, a mass of doctors recommend it to find out the route cause of a number of diseases.

Urine investigation for Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus, otherwise known as just diabetes, is a indication of chaotic metabolism resulting in an augmented amount of blood sugar. Its cause could vary from ecological factors to hereditary causes. Diabetes is of two types- Type 1 and Type 2. People who are diagnosed with either of the two are asked to undertake yearly urine tests for microalbumin.

Urine Analysis- Its Types

Urine analysis for diabetes is generally of two types- chemical investigation and macroscopic (visual) scrutiny. The earlier is used for a more in depth investigation of urine (i.e. to check the levels of micro albumina) whereas the latter is more pinpointing in nature (color and amount in Type 1 diabetes). Of the two, it is the former which is a more solid indicator of diabetes.

Urine Test for Microalbuminuria

The need to carry out urine test in diabetes is the reality that the body tries to eliminate excess levels of sugar in the bloodstream. Kidneys have to work ultimately and in a more advanced stage of diabetes they get spoiled (also called micro albuminuria). When this happens, the function performed by the kidney reverses. It is no longer the blood impurities which are accepted in urine but vital protein.

The protein (albumin) level is measured so that it indicates the phase of the test subject's diabetes. The following tabulated consequences would provide you with a more precise indication -

1. 300 mg or more means a progressed stage of kidney disease.
2. 30 mg to 299 mg mean a premature stage of microalbuminuria.
3. 30 mg is measured as normal.

How is The Urine Analysis Performed?

Urine investigation begins with the collection of sample. The technique to gather the sample is different for men and women. However, the general point between the two is that the technique first involves cleaning the tip of the urinary tract so that any accumulated composite do not enter the sample.

Once the area is cleaned with sanitization swipes, individuals are asked to pass urine. Ideally, urine passed for the first few seconds is not to be collected as it may not have what laboratory technicians may be looking for. These chemicals come into view only after 5 to 6 seconds which are then collected in a clean sample cup. The quantity collected is about 10-15 ml. The sample should be taken for investigation within an hour or else the chemicals would start to decay.

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Causes of Gestational Diabetes, Diabetes during Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes usually diagnoses or begins during the pregnancy. It is characterized by high blood sugar level that is first recognized during pregnancy. In pregnancy, Glucose Intolerance occurs and it synonymous of gestational diabetes.

The common causes of Gestational Diabetes can be the family history of diabetes, born 9lb baby previously from the same mother, overweight or loss, having polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), African or Hispanic origin, obesity, recurrent infections, death of a new born or a mysterious miscarriage. Families originating from certain areas can be at a higher risk. Women from South Asia including India, Pakistan are on risk.

Therefore, women from Middle East including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon or Egypt can also be risk prone of Gestational Diabetes. It is appeared that women possess a certain degree of impaired Glucose Intolerance due to hormonal change during pregnancy; it means the blood sugar is higher than normal but the diabetes is not high. At the third semester, the later part of the pregnancy, these hormonal changes let women fall in risky position for Gestational Diabetes. The high level of certain hormones that prepared in the placenta lets nutrients shift from the mother to the developing fetus. The placenta is the organ that connects the baby to the Uterus by the umbilical cord.

However, the residual hormones, produced in the Placenta help the mother prevent developing low blood sugar, and insulin stops working. As the pregnancy period continues, these hormones ultimately lead to create impaired Glucose Intolerance, the high blood sugar levels. Decreasing blood sugar levels, the body makes more insulin letting glucose pour into the cells for energy consumption. Pancreas of mothers can be able to produce more insulin that is three times higher than normal amount. The system produces to overcome the effect of the pregnancy hormones at blood sugar levels. When the Pancreas cannot produce insulin enough to overcome the effect of the increased hormones in pregnancy time, the blood sugar levels will rise, and it results Gestational Diabetes.

Further, Gestational Diabetes of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, GDM is a condition when pregnant women exhibit high blood pressure without diagnosing diabetes before.

The symptoms of Gestational Diabetes are being screened during the pregnancy period. The diagnostics tests detect the inappropriateness of high levels of glucose in blood samples. Gestational Diabetics affect 3% to 10% pregnancies based on population studies. Some studies reveal that the lack of resistance of women body on insulin production results impaired Glucose Tolerance relating to hormones levels.

The mothers with Gestational Diabetics give the birth of babies bearing typical problems. It can be delivery complication, low blood sugar and jaundice. Control of glucose levels can decrease the level.

Women who are bearing Gestational Diabetics are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetics or latent autoimmune diabetes, type 1 after the pregnancy. The children are to be childhood obesity prone and type 2 diabetics are at later stage of life. Patients usually take moderated diet, exercises or insulin. Regular exercise and herbal remedies are very effective in this condition.

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What Is Insulin, Function of Insulin

Insulin is a natural hormone controlling the level of sugar glucose in the blood. Insulin helps cell use glucose for energy. Cells cannot utilize glucose without insulin. When excess glucose produces in the bloodstream, it increases the risk of diabetes. The primary source of the fuel is insulin. Insulin let body cells take glucose from the bloodstreams. The cells may use glucose for energy production if it is required. Alternatively, the glucose is sent to the liver for preservation in the form of glycogen.

To define insulin broadly, it can be added that Insulin is a hormone, a central regulating and glucose metabolism in the body. Insulin helps cells in the liver; muscle and fat tissue take glucose from blood. It is stored in the liver and muscle as glycogen.

Insulin prevents to use fat as an energy source. When insulin is absent, body cell does not take glucose, and body resumes utilizing fat as an energy source. When Adipose Tissue transfers Lipids to the liver, it mobilizes as an energy source.

When control level of insulin fails, this failure will result diabetes mellitus. Thus, insulin is used to treat some forms of diabetes mellitus medically.

Type 1 diabetics depend on external insulin injecting subcutaneously to survive as because the system is not producing hormone no longer.

Type 2 diabetics are insulin resistant, this resistant perhaps suffer from insulin deficiency. It appears patients with Type 2 diabetes may eventually require insulin if other medications fail to control blood glucose levels at a certain extent although this is somewhat uncommon.

Insulin also influences other body functions including vascular compliance and cognition. Once insulin enters the human brain, it strengthens learning, memory and it particularly benefits verbal memory.

The functions of Insulin: Insulin regulates glucose metabolism and deals with stimulates lipogenesis, diminishes lipolysis, increasing amino acid transport into cells, modulation of transcription, altering the cell content of numerous mRNAs, growth stimulation, DNA synthesis and cell replication.

Therefore, the elaborated function of Insulin can be countering the concerted action of a number hyperglycemia generating hormones and maintaining low blood glucose levels. Because there are many hyperglycemia hormones, untreated disorders associated with insulin leading to severe hyperglycemia and shortened life span.

Moreover, the function of insulin is critical for having a healthy body. Pancreas produces insulin. Islet cells usually produce it. The pancreas behind the stomach is a vital organ. The pancreas produces all types of digestive enzymes and hormones that are designed to breakdown the food.

Insulin is considered for both a protein and a hormone. It is the regulating body to distribute the necessary amount of blood sugar requiring in each cell. When we eat, the food is converting into glucose. This is simply sugar. In addition, it is widely known as "blood sugar level".

Insulin regulates glucose metabolism, it also stimulates lipogenesis, diminishes lipolysis, and increases amino acid transportation into cells.

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